How does it works?
Subscribe to our men circle's newsletters to be informed about all coming meetups
Check if you have received the welcoming email
Be aware and agree with the brother's agreement before joining the circle
Join the next brotherhood online gathering here
Bring your good vibes and positive energy to the circle
The Brotherhood
A circle of men based on trust. A place where you can voice out your vulnerability without fear of judgment. Brothers hold each other back, we care about each other, and we respect the brotherhood as our own family. Whenever one of us is down, we stand for him. A circle of support where our concerns, our shames, our fears, our weakness, and our tears, are part of the process of becoming our authentic selves. Unity is our strength, acceptance is our power, and love is our path! Every man has the right to voice out his own demons of fear and shame. This place is a magical place where every man is welcome!
What To Expect
Be part of a supportive men group
Listen and be listened to by the circle
Learn not to judge anyone and feel the acceptance of not being judged
Share about your life stories, passions, fears, and desires
​Receive insights or feedback from the facilitator
Show your vulnerability and see other men in theirs in a safe environment
See yourself in others stories, experiences, pains, and challenges
Understand the true nature of the masculinity
Improve your communications skills with others
Brother's Agreement
​Be present and authentic during the sharings.
Respect each other sharing moments by not interrupting.
Maintain confidentiality and honor the brother's circle.
Do not give any feedback unless specifically requested by the brother himself.
Use non-violent communication towards each other.
Show up for your brothers, be on time, and put on your camera.
Let it flow, do not feel the urge to finish a sharing.
Take full responsibility for your pain, struggles, and suffering without projecting on the circle.
Do not join the circle under the effects of any kind of drugs or alcohol.
Brothers have straightforward communication and do not gossip among the group.
The facilitator leads the circle in service to the brotherhood.
Understand the sacredness of these agreements for the value of the brother's circle.